1. Good Habits Every Golfer Should Develop

    Part of what makes the game of golf so beautifully frustrating, but undeniably addicting, is the way it demands the blend of physical and mental attention to detail that maybe no other sport can demand of a player. Understanding that fact is what makes the golf community so tight despite the ever-gr…Read More

  2. The Best Golfers You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of

    Tiger Woods. Jack Nicklaus. Arnold Palmer. Gary Player. You know every single one of these men and what they did, regardless if you’re an avid golf fan or not. Their accomplishments in the sport skyrocketed them beyond the simple notoriety among fans of golf, making them household names in America…Read More

  3. 5 Greatest Golf Courses in the World

    There’s no question The Peninsula on the Indian River Bay is one of the finest golf courses in the country. But what are truly the greatest golf courses in the entire world? Well, there are so many tremendous options to choose from, each offering its own unique flavor to the sport, but these five …Read More

  4. 6 Ways To Increase Distance With Your Driver

    Excelling in any one area of your golf game and leaving the others lagging behind will surely never make you a scratch player. The sport requires proficiency in all areas, pieced together, to form a well-rounded golfer and low scores. Each golf course is different, so what works well for you on cert…Read More

  5. Top 5 Golfers Of All Time

    There are some truly legendary names in the game of golf. With a sport that has so much history, being considered one of the greats is quite the accomplishment. Like any subjective topic, there is room for debate, but The Peninsula on the Indian River Bay has its list of the top five golfers of all …Read More

  6. 9 Common Mistakes Amateur Golfers Make

    Golf, on the surface, is an incredibly simple game. Your only objective is to send a little white ball along and specific distance on each portion of the golf course and into a hole plenty wide enough for the ball. Sounds so easy, doesn’t it?! But as everyone knows, golf is anything but simple. Th…Read More

  7. Basic Golf Rules You Need To Know

    This is a game of tradition and honor. Integrity is paramount for any player who takes the golf course, both to themselves, to those around them, and the course itself. At The Peninsula on the Indian River Bay, those tenants are vigorously upheld because this is one of the finest courses in the coun…Read More

  8. Top 10 Tips For Golf Beginners

    Golf is a tremendous and unique sport in that you can pick it up at any age or ability, and on top of that, it’s a sport you can enjoy playing for most all of your life! However, learning the game for a beginner can be intimidating, frustrating and discouraging. The Peninsula on the Indian River B…Read More

  9. Essential Items You Need In Your Golf Bag

    Every golfer knows the game is as much mental as anything else, especially at a renowned golf course like the one here at The Peninsula on the Indian River Bay. The mental and emotional elements of the sport is part of what makes a seemingly simply objective — sending that little white ball into a…Read More

  10. Fun Types of Golf Play To Try

    Fun Types of Golf Play To Try Here you are on a beautiful Jack Nicklaus designed golf course at The Peninsula on the Indian River Bay, soaking in the majestic beauty of your surroundings. Maybe you live here and play all the time, perhaps you’re interested in finding a second home or possibly it…Read More